
日本のラヴァーズ・ロック専門レーベル。もともとはズングズングとコウが海外のラヴァーズ・ロック作品の歌詞を研究する企画として始まったものだが2020年1月に日本でのシーン拡大を目的とし、音楽レーベル『It's a Romance Production』を設立。同年にニ作のレコードをリリースし話題となった。翌年の2021年12月にはリットーミュージックより世界初のラヴァーズ・ロック専門書『LOVERS ROCK RECORD GUIDE Romantic Reggae Selection 1970's-1990's』を執筆するなど、その勢いはとどまることを知らない。

IT'S A ROMANCE PRODUCTION is a dedicated Lovers Rock label in Japan. Originally started as a project by ZUNGGU ZUNGGU and KO to research the lyrics of foreign lovers rock works, it was later established as a music label ,IT'S A ROMANCE PRODUCTION, in January 2020 with the aim of expanding the scene in Japan. The label released two records in the same year, which attracted a lot of attention. The following year, in December 2021, they wrote the world's first book dedicated to Lovers Rock, Lovers Rock Record Guide Romantic Reggae Selection 1970's-1990's, published from Ritto Music.
The company has now disbanded and the lyrics research project has come to an end, but the label is currently run by ZUNGGU ZUNGGU on his own.



Producer / Founder

中でもUK発祥の『LOVERS ROCK』と呼ばれるレゲエのサブ・ジャンルに傾倒し、2020年にはLOVERS ROCK専門レーベル『IT'S A ROMANCE』を発足。
翌21年には更にプロデュースに注力するため『Bagus!』の白川大晃、小西誠らとプロダクション・チーム『Love Letter Revue』を結成する。

同年12月には自身が執筆・監修を務めLOVERS ROCKの専門書『Lovers Rock Record Guide Romantic Reggae Selection 1970s-1990s 』をリットー・ミュージックより上梓。これは、同ジャンルを扱ったものとしては“世界初”となるガイドブックであり、国内はもとより海外の好事家からの問い合わせも殺到。シーンの内外より大きな注目を集める!!

「プロデューサー / DJ / 音楽ライター」と、二足のみならず三足のわらじを履き、このカルチャーを多くの人に伝えるべく日々奮闘中。

He started his career as a selector (*means 'DJ' in the Reggae world) in his teens and is currently a member of the scene's leading reggae sound crew, EMPEROR. Within the crew, he is in charge of old-school music and selects good old Jamaican music.
He is particularly devoted to a sub-genre of reggae called 'Lovers Rock', which originated in the UK, and in 2020 he launched a label dedicated to Lovers Rock called 'It's A Romance'.
In 2021, he formed a production team 'Love Letter Revue' with Hiroaki Shirakawa and Makoto Konishi from a Lovers Rock band 'Bagus!' in order to further focus on production.

In December of the same year, he wrote and supervised the publication of a dedicated Lovers Rock book "Lovers Rock Record Guide Romantic Reggae Selection 1970s-1990s" from Ritto Music. This was the "world's first" guidebook dealing with the genre, and was inundated with enquiries from domestic and overseas enthusiasts. It has attracted a great deal of attention from inside and outside the scene!

He is a producer, DJ and music journalist, and is constantly striving to spread the word about this culture to as many people as possible.